Tollywood's Superstar Mahesh Babu is readying his Srimanthudu to hit the big screens both in Telugu and Tamil on 7th August. The Tamil version, Selvandhan, had its audio launch in Chennai tonight. The event was thronged by hundreds of Mahesh fans, which even took the Chennai media by surprise.
However, even bigger surprise was Mahesh Babu himself. The Superstar, a Chennai brought up till his graduation, floored everyone with his fluent Tamil. Speaking on the occasion, Mahesh said excitedly that this is his first public speech in Tamil, and that it's a very proud moment for him. Mahesh also recollected his initial days in Chennai.
Speaking further, Mahesh said that Tamil audiences have always encouraged good content oriented films, and that Selvandhan offers just that and hoped that the film will be a big success in Tamil. The film's music director, Devi Sri Prasad, chatted the fans as he said that Mahesh never goes wrong with his body language and that he is superb in Srimanthudu.
However, even bigger surprise was Mahesh Babu himself. The Superstar, a Chennai brought up till his graduation, floored everyone with his fluent Tamil. Speaking on the occasion, Mahesh said excitedly that this is his first public speech in Tamil, and that it's a very proud moment for him. Mahesh also recollected his initial days in Chennai.
Speaking further, Mahesh said that Tamil audiences have always encouraged good content oriented films, and that Selvandhan offers just that and hoped that the film will be a big success in Tamil. The film's music director, Devi Sri Prasad, chatted the fans as he said that Mahesh never goes wrong with his body language and that he is superb in Srimanthudu.